Outlands Network
The Outlands is a network for experimental music which pairs art and visuals together with music in live events. Their hub is at the De La Warr Pavilion but they put on shows that tour the country. I joined the team to improve audience engagement and particularly to get a younger audience interested. Both with word of mouth and creating gifs that could be shared across platforms that reach similarly minded individuals, such as Dance Discover and by reaching out to universities, I managed to increase the footfall and ticket sales for these events which are still truly underrated. Additionally I got the exhibitions team involved by offering after hours access to the exhibitions on, to make to event more similar to those such as Tate Lates which are hugely popular and might appeal even more to the younger local creative minds.
Social media GIF for Outlands, Ecstatic Material
Social Media GIF for Outlands, Fracture Patterns
Outlands Network

Outlands Network
