The title of the project is Moral Compass. Each aspect of this piece has a story to tell. Moral Compass expresses the light and dark to every persons life and ability to choose their own path. I was heavily infulenced by Ephesians 6 that reads, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorites, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” 

Each black image in this piece is depicting the dark forces of sin and human’s nature. The color black represents sorrow, death, and the prince of Darkness. The snake symbolizes death, destruction, and evil. The Raven depicts solitude and the devil gratified by destruction. The spider is representing the miser. Lastly, the Leopard is shown as sin and cruelty.

Each white image in this piece depicts the light of salvation and our hope in Christ. The color white represents innocence, purity, and truth. The ox symbolizes Christ as our sacrifice and patience. The eagle depicts a new life and resurrection. The lion is representing power, majesty, and courage. Lastly the bee is shown as diligence and order.

The gold in this design depicts the wisdom of God. I used the compass to give a more literal approach to this piece. We all have a moral compass that functions as a grade for morally appropriate behavior. What is good or bad? What is right from wrong? It’s been helpful for me to view this piece and remember that all is dark aside from Christ’s Intervention.
Moral Compass

Moral Compass
