Eva Brami's profile

barcode factory ____ poster art

Barcode Factory is a poster conceived and created on the occasion of the CHEAP's call for artist (2019).
CHEAP is a public art project founded by 6 women in Bologna in 2013. CHEAP is a project, a collective, a non-objective view, an association: the material that they chose to investigate is paper - until now, nothing more ephemeral has been found. CHEAP mainly works on the urban landscape, it deals with contemporary languages, it’s committed to the search for a balance between curatorial practice.

Every year CHEAP creates a space for participation in the festival by issuing a call for artists open to not only street artists but also graphic designers, photographers, illustrators and visual artists in general. The CHEAP call brought in pieces from far-flung artists and countries which were printed in a poster format and pasted up on the walls of Bologna’s suburbs. For CHEAP, this open call is a way of investigating contemporary issues from the bottom up, fostering the cross-contamination of expressive languages, supporting active citizenship and collectively re-appropriating spaces in which artists can unleash their creative energies.

It is not surprising that the first definition given of “sabotage” is that of a crime. We know, however, that in the history of those who fought against occupation, dictatorship and segregation, sabotage is a practice of resistance. For 2019, CHEAP wants to return to the streets with your posters and asks you to reinvent yourselves saboteurs: this is an invitation to semiological guerrilla warfare.
The poster I have proposed speaks in a clear and minimal way of the damage of the capitalist economy, through a barcode that turns into a factory and emits a huge cloud of black smoke.
sketch phase in stop motion
selected for the CHEAP Festival 2019's call for artist
selected through CHEAP for the STURM UND DRAG exhibition at the Super+Centercourt gallery in Munich
selected through CHEAP for exposure at the 5th edition of the CHIÙ - Festival di illustrazione e dintorni (Terlizzi, BA)
barcode factory in STURM UND DRAG exhibition at the Super+Centercourt gallery in Munich
barcode factory ____ poster art


barcode factory ____ poster art

Poster art project, selected for the CHEAP Festival 2019's call for artist.
