Kiara Kiara's profile

Digital Photograhy

Photo's that represent me

This evil eye necklace is very special to me because my cousin gave it to me for Christmas and she means a lot to me.

This phone case is special for me because my favorite color is brown and the hearts around it signify the love I have for those around me.
This body spray is my favorite because it smells good and smelling good and hygiene are very important to me.
This makeup brush signifies how much i love makeup and practicing makeup.
This assignment played a huge role in looking at the materialist things i have around me and how they describe/define me as a person and gave me insight on what people think when they see people with certain objects in their lives.
Learning Aperture
This assignment helped me learn more about how aperture can improve or break the photo you are trying to displace by editing your photos in a certain way makes it so that you can make it darker or brighter and also blur the background to avoid distractions from the main idea.
- F16
Very vibrant and focused.
Photo came out some - what blurry but very focused.
- F2.8
This photo came out more blurry and focused on the top.
Fast Shutter Speed 
This assignment reminded me of how fast life moves and pictures can capture those movements and a picture with movements demonstrates something full of life. when i was taking these photos me and my cousin were trying to be as natural as possible to give it a real life effect. 
Slow Shutter Speed
This assignment represents how much creativity you can add to a picture because the movement adds an abstract point of view which makes the picture look so cool and different from other pictures. I uses Led lights because i knew the movement of the lights would be more amusing to the eye.
IOS activity
This assignment demonstrates how increasing and decreasing the ios makes the picture lighter or darker. As you can see how the pictures get progressively darker as i decrease the ios. 
Photography Composition
Digital Photograhy

Digital Photograhy
