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Fahrenheit 451 - Interactive eBook

Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. The story set in a future, where the possession of books is strictly prohibited by the government, is often regarded as one of his best works. 

The lead character, Guy Montag, is a fireman who becomes disillusioned with his role of censoring literature and destroying knowledge, eventually quitting his job and committing himself to the preservation of literacy and cultural writings. 
The books tagline explains the title as "the temperature at which book paper catches fire, and burns": the autoignition temperature of paper.

Quite fittingly, I am working on a paper-free, interactive eBook version of the story.
My eBook enables the reader to navigate through an illustrative map of what the dystopian city could look like. Stylistically I was inspired by comic strips, space age furniture and science fiction films from around the publishing time of the book.
The goal is to take an imaginary trip and to playfully immerse yourself in the dystopia.

Like an advent calendar, you can find numbers on the map, guiding you through the chapters. I decided the story into many chapters, depending on where the actions of each part are set. This eBook facilitates following the protagonist through the plot and makes for a hedonistic reading experience.
Fahrenheit 451 - Interactive eBook

Fahrenheit 451 - Interactive eBook
