This book is a student design project made for the fictitious magazine The Arternet. 

The imagery of the cover, shown first, features a well-used paint palette laid over a group of colorful wires that fall down to the very bottom of the page. This imagery was chosen and arranged to give visual personality to the publication's name and the theme of its content; all the ways that art and the internet come together and paint our world.

The cover was also designed to mimic the average magazine and how they display the featuring articles on the front of the publication to give readers an idea of what's in store.
The content of my publication was arranged and designed very carefully based on the individual article's personality and the personality of the entire publication. They all share the common theme of large imagery, bright colors, and strong unity between the images and the type surrounding them.
The back cover was also designed carefully, though much simpler than the content and front cover. A zoomed in image of the aforementioned paint palette takes up half of the page with the magazine's logo dead center: the black outline of a paint palette with a tilted magnifying glass in its center (the art and the internet) both devoid of any bold color besides white which contains every color.

The type at the bottom of the page is credits to the initial creators, editors and assistant editors, collaborators, i.e. source of the content of the publication, and finally the actual publisher, Blurb.
The Arternet

The Arternet
