Andrew Marinelli's profile

Drew Marinelli IM 113 Assignment 3

My picture is a group of people in semi matching outfits lined up to look like they are doing calisthenics.  I enhanced it to be a scene from a summer camp doing their morning jumping jacks.  I also added in a trumpet playing reveille as well as an announcer over the PA who sneaks in a reference to why all the kids are dressed as they are
I had a total of 12 different tracks here
1 track consisted of general noise I got by recording students walking around the quad
1 track was actually Me playing Reveille on my trumpet
1 track was myself talking through a trumpet (speaking into the mouthpiece) to make it sound like i was over an intercom
1 track was just a base recording of myself as the counselor getting the kids to begin their workout 
4 tracks were all different versions of the same recording of myself counting in time to the exercise callouts
4 tracks were of me making the sound effect of jumping jacks and then spacing and timing them ever so slightly differently
Drew Marinelli IM 113 Assignment 3

Drew Marinelli IM 113 Assignment 3

A project to show how an audio track can give a new meaning or feel to a picture


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