2020 has been a bit of a flat year for all Western Australians. As we exited the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, how can we cheer up the state and let people know that Rottnest Island is open again?

We invited West Aussies to get Quokka Happy and inspired them to be as happy as the happiest marsupial on earth. We designed a web app algorithm that compares a person’s happiness level to a quokka’s, then offer suggestions on how to get Quokka Happy.

The algorithm we created used multiple data points like; the user’s facial expression, live weather data, whether the camera could see key holiday items like sunglasses and most importantly, whether or not the user had booked a trip to Rottnest. 

Using this data and our amazing new algorithm, we were able to generate each user’s score, indicating how happy they were, compared to the native quokka’s. 

Head to to try it out!
Get Quokka Happy

Get Quokka Happy
