Cayman Health
Annual 200 page directory and guide for healthcare in the Cayman Islands and select international locations. Printed size is 7" x 10". This makes it a little smaller than a standard publication and created some unique layout challenges. A matching website ( was also developed and updated weekly by staff.
Designed and assisted stakeholders on developing this product since its inception in 2016. The goal is to provide an informative and comprehensive health and wellness resource for the Cayman Islands. An extensive directory of Cayman's healthcare doctors, nurses, facilities and more is provided at the back of the book and online. Worked together with the editorial staff in ensuring the directory database was up to date online and ready for print. website art direction and collaboration with developers. Supplied graphics and assisted editorial staff to ensure their online posts and updates were up to standard. The site and printed publication is presented in four sub-sections: Prevention & Wellness, Professional Showcase, Emergency Guide, and Healthcare Directory.

Effectively designed, produced, edited, and managed project from 2016-2020.
The emergency guide was designed to show hand drawn illustrations with step by step instructions on how to handle the situation. In total, 35 illustrations were commissioned and art directed. Above is a sampling of one of the print spreads.
Online directory showcasing all health related businesses and practices in the Cayman Islands and select international destinations.
Cayman Health

Cayman Health
