Amy Bezek's profile

A Day in the Life

©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
©Amy Bezek Photography
My dog, Izzy MF Nitro is an epileptic. She has been taking multiple medications to assist in ceasing the seizures. However, she still has them. This was our daily schedule prior to this past week. One of her medication times changed. 

Every day is like this... we administer meds at 10:00AM, 6:00PM, 10:00PM and 2:00AM. Of course when daylight saving time changes we flow with that as if it didn't exist. In the winter, medication times are 9:00AM, 5:00PM, 9:00PM and 1:00AM. Since Izzy is a special needs dog and epileptic, it is imperative that she receives her medication at the specific time frames. Otherwise, she can go into a seizure. 

Izzy has had every type of seizure, from grand mauls to petite episodes. She was diagnosed prior to her 4th birthday. Since then we have been battling this disease. She will be 10 this April. I love her so much, I will do anything I can do to make her feel better, be safe and healthy. 

I send my love and light to every single person that has a loved one, both two legged and four legged, that struggles with any type of disease. This is a photo series that I created inside my house to show you our daily schedule called "A Day in the Life".
A Day in the Life


A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life is a series that I wanted to create since my dog, Izzy Nitro is an epileptic. Interesting fact, we recently changed her medicat Read More
