Chun-Ta Chu's profileSteven Chuan-Shun Huang's profile

Rosalyn English Educator

Rosalyn English Educator

This is a business card made for a client to establish a brand new business identity. She is an English educator working in the field for over 30 years. With abundant teaching experiences, she opens her tutoring center and expands her scope from audiovisual to publishing. She is a diversified managing entrepreneur.
I was inspired by a saying and chose lighting as the concept to construct visual language. The saying goes that a teacher is lightings on the path of life. He helps to illuminate the path on obscure moments, so we can be clear to decide the following steps on our own. Plus, learning and growing are a progressive process from zero to one, so I used gradient as an expression to present the idea of learning and growing.
Besides, the teacher’s name 孟(Meng)媛(Yuan) sounds like “dream and satisfactory” in Chinese pronunciation. Yuan is also a homophone to the word circle and fulfillment, which is why I used the shape circle directly because of its intuitive connection. It also implies the meaning of fulfilling people’s dreams. 



這位老師中文名字為「孟媛」,其音亦同「夢圓」「夢 & 圓」,因此以圓形作為直觀的連接,其含義上更有著圓夢,替他人圓夢的期許及美意。

Graphic Designer / Chun-Ta Chu 朱俊達
Photographer / 58kg
Paper / Fluffy Cotton德國環保棉卡- Nature White 300 g/m2 - 長瑩紙業 (Gmund)
English Translation / PinChen Wu 吳品臻

GDC Award _ Students _ Brand & Communication Design _ Shortlisted

Rosalyn English Educator