Kleine Scheidegg, Switzerland, November 2020 //
A quick daytrip to the nearby rather famous mountain spot with my mother. A perfect opportunity to test my newly acquired Fuji X-T4 and to try out some film simulations from fujixweekly.com. The ones used were Kodachrome 1, Fujicolor Superia 800, Fujicolor Reala 100 and Kodachrome 64 for X-TRANS IV sensor. I really like the colors given by Kodachrome 1. Fujicolor Superia 800 is probably my least favorite simulation out of these four. Pictures are SOOC.
Kodachrome 1
Fujicolor Superia 800 and Kodachrome 64
Fujicolor Reala 100
Fujicolor Superia 800
Fujicolor Superia 800
Kodachrome 64
Kodachrome 64
Fujicolor Superia 800 (both)
Kodachrome 1
Kleine Scheidegg

Kleine Scheidegg
