visual school 
of nature

The aim of this group project was to enhance the 
“Piffkar“ location for the Grossglockner High Alpine Road and to encourage the numerous
visitors to stop. An appealing object should arouse the interest of the visitors when
approaching from the street.
The basic idea behind our concept is to create three “shelters“. In each of these huts a thematic focus is taken up in connection with the nature around the High Alpine Road. Visitors should perceive nature as a holistic system and as an interplay of different components, that ist he reason why the „Gletschermitbringsl“ invites you to a short journey into the world of the Großglockner, far away from smartphones. Each of the shelters symbolizes an altitude - starting from the forest, continuing over the glacier, until finally reaching the summit.


We started this group project by considering which emotions and which content we wanted to convey with this exhibition. Carried by our motto “the real luxury is the view into the landscape“
and inspired by modern high alpine refuges, the “Gletschermitbringsl“ are
deliberately reduced in their design in order to make the special atmosphere of the mountains more tangible and to direct the view into nature, too.
In addition to the wording and the creation of all our layouts, I was also responsible for the coordination and organization in our team.


