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Cipla's BreatheFree 2017 Campaign

Content strategist & designer
Cipla's Innovative Campaign Sparks Conversations and Awareness for World Allergy Week 2017


In a concerted effort to shed light on the often overlooked realm of allergic rhinitis, Cipla's Allergic Rhinitis department embarked on a mission during World Allergy Week 2017. Their aim was clear: to create a buzz on social media surrounding allergic rhinitis, elucidating its causes, and highlighting the precautions individuals should take when grappling with this often underestimated condition.

The Objective:

The primary goal of this initiative was to foster awareness about nasal allergies, exploring their causes and potential treatment options. Cipla sought to provide valuable insights into the world of allergic rhinitis, addressing common misconceptions and offering practical solutions for those affected.

The Innovative Solution:

To achieve this, Cipla orchestrated a month-long campaign that not only disseminated information but engaged the audience through various mediums. A dedicated landing page served as a hub for comprehensive insights, solutions, and precautionary measures related to allergic rhinitis.

Doctors took center stage, participating in interviews and discussions to elucidate the diverse types of nasal allergies. Standees and placards were strategically placed to capture attention and effectively convey crucial information to the public.

Adding a touch of humor to the campaign, Cipla produced a funny prank video that not only entertained but also served as a unique approach to disseminating awareness about allergic rhinitis.

Educational Outreach:

The campaign delved into the intricacies of allergic rhinitis, exploring its sources such as molds, pollen, dust, and pet dander. Differentiating between allergic rhinitis and the common cold was a key focus, ensuring that individuals could identify and address their symptoms accurately.

The Power of Hashtags:

In the age of social media, the campaign leveraged the popular hashtag #SenseYourSneeze to encourage users to share their experiences, anecdotes, and insights related to allergic rhinitis. This not only facilitated a sense of community but also amplified the reach of the campaign.


Cipla's initiative for World Allergy Week 2017 proved to be a resounding success, successfully achieving its aim of creating widespread awareness about allergic rhinitis. By combining informative content, engaging mediums, and a dash of humor, the campaign succeeded in making allergic rhinitis a topic of conversation, breaking the silence surrounding this prevalent yet often underestimated health concern. As we reflect on the impact of this innovative initiative, it becomes clear that raising awareness about health conditions can be both enlightening and entertaining, paving the way for a more informed and health-conscious society.
Campaign Planning & Management, Conceptualization, Graphic Designing & Social Media Marketing
Cipla's BreatheFree 2017 Campaign

Cipla's BreatheFree 2017 Campaign
