Timothy Martens's profile

Event Promo Video & VJ Clips

Project: Anti-Paralysis Visuals and Promo
Role: Director, Cameraman, Motion Graphics​​​​​​​
Anti-Paralysis defined itself as an Ibiza style large capacity event bringing the latest house music, club dancers, live visuals and a laser show to one of Leicester's premiere underground nightclubs. The promoter was a friend of a friend and asked me to make original content for the live visuals element of the night as well as create a promotional video to launch the event.
We had a meeting so that I could gauge the promoter's vision for the night. He wanted a drag queen theme with inspiration from films like Hocus Pocus, Clueless and B. From there I began developing ideas for the live visuals package directly into After Effects.
We arranged for the dance crew who’d be part of the line up on the night to come and be filmed in the nightclub during the day. It was my first time shooting dancers and we got some fantastic shots which I used in the promotional video.
The live visuals created a great backdrop to the event and along with the promotional video, received praise from the promoter and the night's attendees.
I mostly enjoyed working with the choreographer to get the fantastic shots for the promotional video. This experience helped me understand the importance of individual responsibility in the team and how everyone can allow their vision to shine through to the completed production.
Event Promo Video & VJ Clips

Event Promo Video & VJ Clips
