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Troubleshoot AOL Mail Not Working On iPhone

Troubleshoot AOL Email Not Working Errors ON iPhone, Mac, and Android
If your AOL Verizon doesn’t work on iPhone, Mac, or Android, try the methods given below to get your email working again as soon as possible. If you have any issues during the AOL Login or adding the account in your AOL mail app, all you need to do is reset your password or install Google Chrome or a chrome based browser that allows you to log in. 

Most of the AOL Email users often report AOL mail not working on iPhone, Mac, or Android. To solve this issue, we are providing you with the following guide. Please read the instructions carefully and follow them without leaving any step behind. 

Resolve AOL email not working on Mac

AOL thinks that the Mac mail application is not secure, and they won’t let Mail connect to their servers – unless you create a special, “app-specific password’ and use that and nor your real AOL password the Mail app. 

Creating an app-specific password is not very complicated. After you create the app-specific password, please write it down somewhere, so you remember. Go to the System Preferences, then Internet Account, and then click your AOL account. If the message is prompted as ‘Can’t connect to the account,’ then enter your app-specific password, and you are all set. If the password box does not pop up right away, click on your AOL account and click the Details button. Now enter the app-specific password. 

Fix AOL mail not working on Android & iPhone 

If you face issues like AOL mail not working on Android or iOS devices, you need first to delete the account from your phone and then add it again using the following steps:

1. There is always an update required for any application you use. For AOL, try doing the same. Update the application on Google play store for Android and iPhone use Apple store. 
2. If the problem still exists, try using the AOL email on the browser, download the official application, and set up your account there.

Using the above methods or troubleshooting techniques, your AOL mail not working on iPhone issues will be resolved along with AOL email problems in Android and Mac.

Troubleshoot AOL Mail Not Working On iPhone

Troubleshoot AOL Mail Not Working On iPhone
