Amy Barker's profile

FatFace Winter Campaign 2018

The FatFace Winter campaign of 2018 aimed to capture the original outdoorsy, family essence of the brand while bringing to light some stylish, contemporary pieces to draw in a younger more trend conscious consumer group. We told a Traditional Christmas story with a seasonal message of ‘Time Well Spent’.
Digital Design
For this season I worked on projects spanning both digital and print, taking the opportunity in a busy season to take on projects which used skills I hadn’t yet practiced or knew would push me.

Improving my digital design skills was a particular focus for the season. I loved learning to design in such different spaces and formats. I was elected by the design manager to design the launch email and corresponding social media for the season which was well received.

I also worked on assets for our website landing pages, blog posts and social media content, leaving the season with a increased rounded knowledge of digital design and artworking.

I worked closely with the digital communication manager and the e-commerce team I ensured my designs were executed to specification i.e. HTML and CSS friendly whilst being responsive enough to be viewed across varied devices.
For direct mail I produced my first roll fold print piece, I enjoyed balancing story with style, and artworked this for print independently. A small achievement but another life long graphic design skill under my belt.
FatFace Winter Campaign 2018

FatFace Winter Campaign 2018
