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ART 331R Project 1 2021 - Wordless Instructions

For this project, we were asked to create instructions for a simple task without the use of words. My first immediate thought was to make a grilled cheese sandwich, so we went with that. First though, research was required.

After going through several different types of graphic based instructions, both worded and not, I grew to really enjoy the isometric perspective of instructions, which was not surprising considering that I loved playing with LEGOs as a child.
After having completed the research, I did some illustrations and sketches of my own to grasp how I could show and teach the information without using words, but also to become accustomed to the isometric point of view. It was a little difficult at first, but after practicing and getting used to it, I feel like I grasped it very well.
I then set out on creating the whole process. The sketching was fun, as I consulted with my wife, who, had been working on teaching a student how to do simple tasks with similar visual instructions. Using her insight as a special education instructor, I was able to go through these steps alongside her and get her insight, as well as the insight of others, to see what would work and wouldn't. Their feedback was incredibly valuable and helped to really hone down and concentrate it all into good instructions.
Once getting it on paper, I went ahead and created the digital sketches and designs, as well as making a useable prototype. A lot of feedback went into this, including advice from multiple styles of life and different challenges that they all faced. Heck, even one of the instructions was altered because it was easier for the testers to use and got positive feedback as a "Oh, I didn't know I could do that" style of feeling.
ART 331R Project 1 2021 - Wordless Instructions

ART 331R Project 1 2021 - Wordless Instructions
