Andrew Congleton's The Boo Zoo Pitch.

The Boo Zoo is a secret spooky zoo that comes to life at night. The zoo houses creatures from another world! It’s a world where Vampires, Witches and Mummies go to take their children for a night out, to see rare exotic monsters. All the monsters at the zoo are looked after by a cheeky young zoo boo keeper named Albert, and his best friend 
Slimeon the slime. They get into plenty of mishaps and mayhem in the nightly running of the Boo Zoo!
Albert Clot.

Albert Clot is a young energetic, zoo Bookeeper and aspiring Boologist. Albert Loves monsters, and finds he gets on well with them more than people. Albert likes to play jokes on the zoo visitors with his monster friends. This has gotten Albert into some trouble now and then. But when not playing pranks, Albert likes to show off his monster knowledge to all the zoo visitors. Albert isn’t afraid of hardly anything, well except being turned to stone.
Slimeon is a slime, (which are just one of the many creatures at the boo zoo) but the difference between Slimeon and all the other slimes is, Slimeon can talk! Slimeon found half a brain in one of the zoo bins, which has given Slimeon some sort of silly sentience over all the other slimes.

Slimeon adores attention and claims himself to be the zoo’s unofficial but official mascot. He thrives of attention, his shape shifting ability certainly helps him receive the attention he craves. He likes to help Albert with his pranks and the daily running of the zoo. Although he ends up causing more trouble than actual help.
The Boopedia.

What Albert doesn’t know about monsters; he finds out from reading his Boopedia. A monster compendium, that has all extensive information about all the various monsters that are in the zoo. Written and maintained by all the zoo boo keepers from ages past, it is handed down from boo keeper to boo keeper, to continue the passing knowledge and discoveries of the zoo monsters. It also has sentience communicating its thoughts through its eyes. Albert keeps the Boopedia under his hat, ready for monster trivia emergencies.​​​​​​​
Mistress Gorgana. 

Mistress Gorgana. (Or simply the Mistress as she is often called.) Is the owner of the Boo Zoo. She is over all the big boss in charge of everything and likes her zoo to run smoothly, with no funny business. She often has to remind Albert and Slimeon to calm their antics down and to stop their tom foolery, or else they get her gaze set upon them, if their shenanigans persist. (She is a medusa after all, and her threats to turn the two into stone, usually stops both Albert and Slimeon in their tracks.) While the Mistress may secretly have a fondness and a sense of pride for her monsters, she has a love for money more, and dreams of more and more zoo visitors to visit the zoo, so that all the zoo visitors will spend all their money there.​​​​​​​

Here are a few of the many exciting environments in which the Zoo monsters are housed in. each monster has their own unique crated enclosures full of enviroments for you to see out well cared for all magically protected by moon magic to keep you all safe from even the most ferocious of monsters.  
Examples Of Albert and Slimeon in different styles for various networks to see how they would look to suit the channel brand.

The Boo Zoo is home to a wide variety of monsters from all around the world. All taken care of by Albert and Slimeon. from top to bottom we have, Betty The Yeti, Kraig The Kraken, Ivor the Ahriman, Samael The Snake, and finally the ever mischievous making collection of slimes, of every type of colour size and temperature. 
The Zoo visitors!
As well as all the different monsters and creatures you can see at the Boo Zoo, there's also a lot of zoo people from all around the Neva world that like to pay a visit. After all, the Boo Zoo is a perfect place for Witches, Vampires and Mummies to take their families out to see these strange and bizarre creatures. Albert and Slimeon often have to entertain and educate the many zoo people that visit. ( and try to earn Extra money for them selves and the Mistress.) Although this has lead to a lot of mishaps during some of the monster feeds and demonstrations.  
Enter if you DARE!

Here's a little teaser of how the Boo Zoo would look and sound with some of its strange and bizarre creatures that inhabit its spooky world. And should you ever stumble across this stage and spooky place, perhaps you should enter...if you DARE!
Slimeon Fan Art. 
Here's some fan art that Slimeon has gotten over the past year.
The Boo Zoo!


The Boo Zoo!
