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Chroma - Logo

Chroma is a sub-company from LJQ Multimedia, a company where I work as a graphic designer. Chroma operates like its parent company, but it focuses more on small businesses unlike LJQ. It offers photography and videography services.

The main goal is to create a minimalist logo that aims to appeal small businesses.

With its slogan, "Giving Colors to Your Moments," the logo was inspired from a triangular prism. As light goes through a prism, it turns into a rainbow. The same concept applies to the logo design. Chroma's lenses serves as a prism for their clients' moments.

I made sure to make the logo simple for it to be versatile. It can be placed in light and dark backgrounds, and also can be applied as a watermark in photographs.

The images above was captured by Chroma's owners and photographers, Lyko and Jyro Quevada. This shows how the logo looks when applied to actual photographs of actual clients.

Chroma - Logo

Chroma - Logo
