For our assignment, I decided that I will show a little of what it has been like on our journey to marriage. I recently got engaged to my lovely fiancé you'll see here. I told her about this assignment and she helped me come up with the idea. To show a bit of our journey to picking out wedding colors and all we needed to look over in preparation for the big day. My idea behind it was to focus of course on the options but also to on the planning process and who's in charge aka her. when cropping the photos I took out much of the access things around the house to focus on the information. I also tried a few different angles in order to make sure it was clear what we were searching for. This again is just to kind of showcase the process of picking the suits the colors and everything in between and how it can be a lot of information thrown at you at once. overall this assignment really helps in thinking about how you should crop the photo and also how should I take the photo to best portray the story I'm telling. I hope you guys find it interesting.  
Cropped Portraits

Cropped Portraits


Creative Fields