Since opening its doors in 2015, Lyfe Clinic has made a name for itself as a quaint one-stop solution medical aesthetics clinic. But it was time to reintroduce itself with a modern yet recognisable look.
Despite having a good regular client base, they wanted to widen their digital reach to raise brand awareness in the sea of emerging competitors. The brief to COMMUNICATE was to develop a modern yet recognisable brand look and feel across their digital platforms.

We kicked off by developing a new visual identity that was based on the doctors’ inherent personalities: friendly, knowledgeable and fun! Keeping our promise to not throw the baby out with the bath water, we maintained their lotus flower motif in the logo, which symbolised life rejuvenation but redesigned it in a much cleaner and legible manner.
Another distinct feature that we retained was the prominence of purple – synonymous with the brand. We introduced it with complementary hues of blue, green, pink and grey to instil confidence, friendliness and trust among their customers, but also to provide a cohesive visual system, when the brand went digital.

Online information about medical aesthetic clinics can be overwhelmingly filled with medical jargon as well as dull and cold images. Coupled with a misconception that medical aesthetics treatments are painful and only for the elites, we used friendlier messaging by focusing on human imagery and simple, conversational language for Lyfe Clinic’s digital platforms to change the conversation around medical aesthetics.

With its new visual language, Lyfe Clinic was able to connect on a deeper and more personal level with its customers. Crystallised through the redesigned visual system, this is fast establishing Lyfe Clinic as one of Malaysia’s most knowledgeable yet approachable medical beauty provider.

Client: Lyfe Clinic, Malaysia
Art Direction, Copywriting & Design: Nadine Defensor
Lyfe Clinic


Lyfe Clinic
