On the simpler and overall nicer year of 2016, I was commissioned ,due to my BFA background, to ellaborate the drafts for the Launch campaign of the Estrella Jalisco beer brand on the US.

These executions, first made under the concept "Mexcellence", then  under the concept "this is mexicanidad", were supposed to enclose some of Mexico's culture and folklore by the use of textures, colors and techniques that are recurrent throughout all of the different and vast peoples and cultures that encompass Mexico, which wasn't an easy task due to the limited number of executions.
All of these were firstly made on photoshop and then were taken to mexican artisans to be made under their expertise, to be inbued with all the authenticity that the campaign aimed to emmanate.

Quick note regarding the first three executions:
The final art depicted on the wooden texture was made by Dr. Alderete based on an illustration originally made by yours truly but I was unavailable to made the final rendering of this. The engraving (not the final art) was made by an unknown mexican artisan, sadly I was left out during this part of the production process and so I can't give due credit to the engraver or any of the artisans that ellaborated the final executions based on my drafts.
All the rest of the illustrations were made by yours truly, as the creative director ( and fellow illustrator and artist Nacho Tamez) deemed me as the original conceiver of the first renders and thought me more in touch with the original concept. And so, here are my humble doodles:
I even made the guidelines
Alas, the client quickly demanded something new, and so I was commissioned to work on some other executions, these ones leaning more on the typical mexican food stall decoration
Estrella Jalisco


Estrella Jalisco

The work behinf Estrella Jalisco's Launch campaign in the US in 2016
