Vannessa Jiménez Gonzaléz's profile

Kiwe Uma, the generation of the Nasa community

An indigenous woman from the Nasa community rests in the Las Moras páramo in Colombian Cauca, in the middle of a ritual of gratitude to mother earth.
An indigenous Major performs a cleaning ritual on a young Nasa in order to enter the highlands of the Páramo de las Moras in the Colombian Cauca, where they will give offerings to Mother Earth.
An indigenous Mayor, belonging to the indigenous Nasa community, performs a ritual of gratitude in the Las Moras páramo in Colombian Cauca.
Listening to the messages of the ancestors, the stories of the grandparents and grandmothers, connecting with the sounds of the wind and thanking for the opportunity to live, is part of the life of the indigenous people of the Nasa community of Tierra Adentro, in the Colombian Cauca
A Nasa indigenous girl makes an offering to Mother Earth in gratitude for life, in the Páramo Las Moras in the Colombian Cauca.
In October the boys and girls attend the ceremony of the sun and the moon with their elders to give thanks for the land and the fruits of the sowing. In the Segovia village of Tierra Adentro, Cauca, a group of indigenous girls from the Nasa community raise their hands towards a fabric that symbolizes the sun.
A group of children from the indigenous Nasa community travels through the mountains of San Andres de Pisimbala, Cauca in an exercise where they connect with mother earth and its traditions through drums and flutes.
The road that leads from San Andrés de Pisimbalá to the Páramo Las Moras offers endless beautiful landscapes that are constantly seen by the indigenous people of this region, to see its magnitude it is necessary to start the route before the sun shows its first rays in the sky, The roads of the Colombian Cauca.
After a long journey between of mountains, the children of the indigenous Nasa community arrive at the height known as the Hueco del Diablo (Devil's Hollow) together with the elders who give them instructions on the ceremony to be carried out, and it is there where the wind and the sound of the flutes come together to vibrate with the force of the drums of the children of Kiwe Uma
Kiwe Uma, the generation of the Nasa community

In the mountains of San Andrés de Pisimbalá, a territory located in the Colombian Cauca; The melodies of the flutes resound and the vibrations of the drums, there it is: Kiwe Uma, in the Nasa Yuwe autochthonous language, remember that the Earth is our mother, and it is in this sense that a group of Nasa Indigenous community dedicates their days to recovering their ancestral identity, what their past wove from the origin of this people a people that through thought and feeling opens the way to a generation that, through the walking of the word with the elders, creates the link with the sacred territories, allowing to strengthen their hearts making them harmonic human beings who feed back knowledge in spiritual exercises such as weaving, their sounds, their language, the feeling of the wind and dreams, giving way to the liberation of mother Earth in the coexistence of peace and joy.

Kiwe Uma, la generación de la comunidad Nasa

En las montañas de San Andrés de Pisimbalá, territorio ubicado en el Cauca Colombiano; resuenan las melodías de las flautas y el vibrar de los tambores, allí Kiwe Uma, (en lengua Nasa Yuwe), recuerda que la Tierra es nuestra madre. En este sentir, un grupo de Indigenas Nasa dedica sus días a recobrar la identidad cultural que los ancestros tejieron desde el origen del pueblo, un pueblo que por medio de el pensamiento y el sentir abre el camino a una generación que al andar acompañados de las mayores y los mayores afirma el vínculo con los territorios sagrados, permitiendo fortalecer sus corazones, haciendo de ellos seres humanos armónicos que retroalimentan los saberes con ejercicios de espiritualidad como el tejido, los sonidos propios, su lengua, el sentir del viento y los sueños, dando paso a la liberación de la madre Tierra en una convivencia de paz y alegría.
Kiwe Uma, the generation of the Nasa community

Kiwe Uma, the generation of the Nasa community


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