There were many sad stories in last year, 2020. The temperature of the Antarctic reached 68 °F for the first time; 1.25 billion animals died in the Australian bushfire; the locusts swarm puts 20 million people in food crisis in East Africa; the influenza has killed 14,000 people in the United States; and the coronavirus pandemic is threatening billions of people in 170 countries globally. However, tensions and conflicts among different cultures remain in some hot spot areas at such a time.  I realized that artworks could hit the mind directly, so I created the two pieces.
the scream
I saluted to " The scream" by Edvard Munch and referred to the style and composition of the work. I presented a man struggling with all types of disasters, including the global warming, the Australian bushfire, the East African locusts swarm, the influenza outbreak, and the coronavirus pandemic. People from any culture and any community have to drop their conflict and hatred in such a time of need.
People all over the world are struggling with the spread of Coronavirus within their communities and neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the crisis has also led to a spike in hate. Now more than ever, we must fight back against racism and stereotype, so that all communities can stand together to overcome the global challenges in the present and the future. 



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