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Chinese New Year Proverbs Postcard Design | 中國新年成語卡片設計

Chinese New Year Proverbs Postcard Design

I created four square postcards for Chinese New Year. The main colors are the traditional warm colors scarlet and dark golden. I also add shadow and texture effect to represent Chinese traditional art skill, 剪紙, Paper cutting arts.

I remember my mom usually made paper cutting and framed it at home during spring festival and I hope I can recreate the memory in digital forms.

Also, I made 2 versions, 1 for Chinese native readers and the other one is for English or foreigners and hope you are able to know more about my culture :)

1. 大桔大粒 Wishing You Great Fortune!

大 big
桔 mandarin
大 big
粒 measurement of mandarin

it sounds like 大吉大利

吉利 fortune


2. 牛年行大運 Good Fortune For the Year of the Ox

牛 Ox / cow / calf...
年 Year
行 Go / walk / do...
大 Big
運 Fortune


3. 蘋蘋安安 May You Be Safe and Sound!

蘋 Apple
安 Safe

it sounds like 平安

平安 Safe and sound


4. 年年有魚  May You Enjoy Abundance Every Year!

年 Year
有 Have
魚 Fish

it sounds like 年年有餘

有餘 Have abundance


Chinese New Year Proverbs Postcard Design | 中國新年成語卡片設計

Chinese New Year Proverbs Postcard Design | 中國新年成語卡片設計

I created four square postcards for Chinese New Year. The main colors are the traditional warm colors scarlet and dark golden. I also add shadow Read More
