Riley Rose's profile

Save the Bees | Poster Design

This information design poster is targeted around a social or cultural event. I chose to focus on National Honey Bee Day for 2020. Save the bees! After a long brainstorming process that included many concepts, the direction of my final poster made me most excited. 

Typography was huge within this project. Working with the "Bee Aware" and getting the same feel, height, width, space, etc. wasn't easy, but I feel as if it was a success. As for the color scheme, I went through three different stages to get to my final poster. I started off with extremely bright yellows and overtime switching to a more orange palette considering it was too hard to look at at first. 

Last but not least was adding in the bee illustrations. Those two insects are exactly what this poster needed to take it to that next level. Turning them brown gave this poster more life and added a more visually appealing effect. Overall, I am pleased with how my final poster turned out. 
Save the Bees | Poster Design

Save the Bees | Poster Design
