Master Project, MA Graphic Design, Arts University Bournemouth, 2020
The world has been changing so fast recently. There are many channels to follow what is happening in the world during the day. Thanks to mobile phones, newspapers or televisions, which have become a part of modern life, people encounter hundreds of news, people profiles and images every day. Especially people spend time in newspapers or their online applications, websites to follow current local and international news. Access to these sources is very easy, but the effects of the news on media channels on peoplelives are very short. Current media channels usually have highlighted the news content and headlines for entertainment purposes, which can be made more sales and can get more click however some news fall far behind in importance. In third world countries especially in Middle East and Africa, new crimes against humanity and war crimes are committed every day. News about humanity does not take much place, when the contents of the newspapers are examined. Nevertheless, media channels include news from these countries however they are mainly political. Unfortunately, in the news where the political problems between countries bring to the forth, the main problems of the people living in these countries remain in the background. In the news we used to see politicians, political problems between and within the countries, explosions, deaths and protests with a superficial coverage but it is quite rare to read news about the daily life challenges of unknown people living in these countries, instead they used only as political pawns.

All wrongs have become natural and the world getting used to them, so the 'real' problems vanished before our eyes. Donating or volunteering might seem as a solution and they will change the lives of these people in some aspects, but unfortunately, we got used to a world order where we face these news and forget about them in another day. Even though we are aware, we no longer react to change this situation. In reality, the news we see and share on social media does not create a change in those people's lives.The things that are in front of us but are not visible. so they are in the blind spot.
"The World is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, 
but because of those who look on and do nothing." ​​​​​​​

