This is a publication project, to design a book about a movie. 
Memento is an interesting movie, it is a non-linear structure film, where a series in black-and-white that are show chronologically, and a series of color sequence shown in reverse order. The two sequence "meet" at the end of the film, producing one common story. 
So, I designed the book into two sections, one is about "The Truth", another one is talking about "Anterograde Amnesia" and relate it with the movie. This two section is related and connected to each other. I present it in this way just like the film structure, that show a part of black and white then a part of color sequence. 
The pages with grey color background is about "Anterograde Amnesia", that explain about the disease and memory. I present it in a slightly vague, as I would like it to be the visualization of memory, memory is vague.  The pages with white color background is about my opinion after watching the movie, where I present it in slightly chaos, as this movie is complicated and it is not in linear and clear sequence. 


Memento - the ambiguous memories
