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Poster Design : AIR

Asymmetry | Air
“Air is dynamic, like asymmetry in design. It allows greater 
freedom of expression, while creating tension”
Using asymmetry, the poster aimed to show how design can be both fluid and dynamic while also fitting within a tight space. Graphic Design in 2020 is pushing the boundaries of both typographic and layout design. Design does not conform anymore, but is rather expressive and abstract. It isn’t governed by as many rules as it was before. Air is a great metaphor for the design trends of the new generation, as it is inherently boundless and free. The first poster, was an experiment with typography and the use of asymmetric layouts to show how design can express freedom even when confined to a tight space.
Through history, all new ideas and concepts have been regarded with scepticism and doubt. People have an inherent distrust of the unknown and resort to finding comfort in things that they understand. Most inventions have to prove themselves as being not just useful but also trustworthy. This sometimes results in design becoming stagnant rather than free flowing. Since culture is all binding, and design exists within a cultural space, it too is expected to follow the norms of society. 

Change requires space, a space of understanding and freedom. Only then does it have the ability to transform society; by thinking of new possibilities and giving fresh perspective. Without tension, change is impossible. And without change, there would be no life at all. The second set of posters are inspired by modern and abstract art, as it originated from the need to make art more expressive, free and experimental, while discarding traditional notions of ‘good art’.
Poster Design : AIR


Poster Design : AIR
