TVC Sound effects
Background: We see different people who use Joodband 20 talking with fast sound effects (car noises, jet engines, rockets etc.) to display how fast they are.

1-2-3-4 A Family having Breakfast on table while they are eating, they create different racing sound effects of sipping Coffee (szzzzzppppp sssszzzzzppppp), jamming on bread ( hummm hummmmmmmmm ) and taking a bite (shrrreeeechhh huhummmmmm)

5-6-7-8 Next frame. A kid reaches and leave school in fast motion as compare to other students. even he play soccer very fast with creating diferent sounds.
We see in a gym, one man is bench pressing in time to the sound of a spluttering motorbike zip ziiiip zip suddenly it takes off while the other is doing arm curls to the sound of a track car vrooom vroooom vroooom

9-10-11-12-13 -14 We cut to see a mother at a supermarket for shopping she moves with her trolley with racing sound effects. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
We see a guy who is pacing back and forth in a maternity ward to the sounds of a  horse running chichopchipchopchipchop meanwhile we see another father emerge with the sound of an aeroplane swoosh sound swooosssshhhh. We look down to see baby in mother arms… she say beep beep!

15-16 At end we will show whole family using Jood Broadband Internet from STC.
We see the end panels and voiceover that talk about: “Joodband 20. The new language of speed. Now you can get the fastest speed in a package in the Kingdom.”
Cut to the STC panel signoff.
Client: STC - Telecommunication     Courtesy: Noel Denola
Microsite Design
Planet Qitaf - it was a searching engine about QITAF Information and redemption. 
QITAF are the points you collect after spending your credit, You can use these points and get discount on shopping and Dinning etc. It was an Animated game where you can roam whole city and get information about your points and redemption at Outlets.


