Break It
Acrylic on cardboard

This piece speaks on the societal ignorance that allows racism to remain a prevalent and dangerous force in the world. The image depicts a black man being claimed by others who want to take his power and claim his work as theirs. Apart from the climbers the major oppressors hand is wrapped around his neck. The character is wearing the color and uniform of the police and government officials allowing or participating in systematic racism. The piece is made out of acrylic paint, paint markers and a cardboard refrigerator box I got from the hardware store for free. After the image was completed I made it into a puzzle meant to be made and taken apart. After you put the work in to complete it you should be proud to destroy it, take it apart piece by piece and be a part of disrupting and fixing the systematic and societal racism. Although minimal I hope the piece brings awareness to the issue and inspires others to take it into their own hands and solve it together. Be a piece of the solution and take a stand.
Break It

Break It
