YUKI is a bullet-hell VR game developed by ARVORE.

I pitched this game to ARVORE and worked on initial prototypes, creating level design situations that would be unique to VR as a proof of concept. When it was green-lit, I was responsible for mentoring the design team as they elaborated and iterated the mechanics and level design, ensuring we were exploring the medium at its fullest and listening to user's feedback. That first version of the game was released as a VR Arcade-exclusive title.

The second version of the game was made for home use and introduced rogue-lite elements. When I finished working on Pixel Ripped 1995, I joined the team as Associate Director and Lead Game Designer to guide the team towards the solidification of the core gameplay and progression systems. As game designer, I created frameworks for procedural level generation and designed workflow and pipelines for manually-crafted level design parts. I also modelled and balanced YUKI's systems and economy and established a process of data-informed decision-making through analytics collected during user tests.

YUKI was released in 2021 and achieved a 82 score on Metacritic. It was nominated to 2022 D.I.C.E. Awards and is available for purchase on Oculus Store and Steam.



Creative Fields