The uruguayan free-shop e-commerce site

Live Site:  http://www.dutyfree.com.uy/
Software Architect &  Lead developer: Gonzalo Saavedra
UI Designer & Developer: Verónica Rebagliatte
Design collaborators: Juan Ayala (home and contact pages), Eduardo Salsamendi (Absolut Vodka skin)
Agency: CLK
Home Page - Absolut Vodka skin
Home page - 2010 World cup skin
Product listing - Drinks & beverages
Product detail - Chivas Whisky
Shopping cart

Actually in this site the shoping cart works like a "reservation cart" as the customer makes the purchase on his departure or arrival at the airport.
Keeper service - Buy on departure and pick your stuff when you get back home.
Traeme Service - If the customer needs something from the electronics department that is not available in Uruguay, DutyFree brings it and offers it to the customer at a free-shop price.
DutyFree Uruguay

DutyFree Uruguay

The uruguayan free-shop e-commerce site
