Taurus Power
One of the recent sketches of logos I have recently done stood out, i decided to make it digital because of this. 

It is a concept design for a power company. I may build upon it in future (watch this space). I have worked to make the design as clean and strait forward as possible so that it is easily recognisable, in-addition to being easy to read, this will stand out incomparision to a lot of design I see of builders which look dated, amateurish (or simply put DIY designs) and in some cases needing time spent to make their brands stand out from the competition. 
Logo Design
Primary Logo
Black and White
Blue was chosen because of connotations of safety that come with it, that this power company is a safe and reliable chose for the customer. 
A logo must work and white, this is due to realistic demands of the business. Not everything will be printed in colour and if not in colour, then black and white. this logo works really well in this and it it still recognisable to the viewer. 
Wile the black version will be used by the brand, I felt that it deserved to be displayed so that the viewer can see the logo at work. It could be the case the this logo is used to show that that verbal is outfitted for a certain job or duty. 

The main logo works well on the design, not being spread over the van means that is readable when the vans doors are open. In a full mockup of the van there will be more details on the side of the van.
Business Cards, Signage and Stationary 
The designs for the stationary and the signage is as clean and readable as possible. This is avoid distracting the viewer from the function of the piece it is printed on. 
Digital and  Digital Signage
Digital signage is important as an ever more important way of displaying the brand to customers and prospects. 

I think that in future that digital signage is the future for retail (in particular the big box retailers and trade based ones, which do weekly discounts and sales). This is because of the shift because of COIVD and lowering reliance on delivery companies getting signage from the printers to the stores across the country. It would also lower the pressure on design and marketing teams to rollout the assets to meet the printers and the delivery timings.  
Taurus Power


Taurus Power
