Logo Design | Manual Design | 2013

A mock product that is made with the visually impaired in mind, to provide them with the power to be independent.
A walking stick that is made with built in GPS, four orbs that guides them throughout their journey,
and a sensor that helps them with obstacles and traffic.

The OKO comes with two manuals, one that is printed in Brailles, to provide instructionsfor the user of the walking stick,
and the other for the people helping the visually impared to understand how the OKO works.
OKO, which means ‘eye’ in Czech, was made literally to be the eye for its users,
providing them with the comfort and safety they deserve.
Manual for the sighted
Manual for the non-sighted


To propose a wayfinding strategy that makes a specific journey or route accessible in a different but relevant way. A concept made for a school p Read More
