Simon Manchipp's profile

Smart investments with conscience

QSix — Smart investments with a Connectome
QSix, formerly known as PPM Group, specialise in 'complex, high touch, unappreciated and deep value investments'.

The new name 'QSix' refers to the six fundamental questions: Who, When, Where, Why, What & How...

By using the latest data driven technology as well the collective intelligence of their teams, QSix create investment opportunities that others cannot.

More importantly they recognise that these investments, in order to have long term value, must have a positive impact on society and the planet.

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In medical science, a ‘Connectome’ is a comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain – its ‘wiring diagram’. 

We use this as a visual metaphor for growing ideas and collective intelligence at QSix.

We developed a three dimensional connectome of our own which we could animate, zoom into and crop, creating a rich and flexible brand world for QSix, signalling their contemporary approach to technology.
Bold & bright

From the new name and strategy we created a deliberately bold and sector-busting identity. 

In a deliberate move away from the generic ‘blue = finance’ world of investments and photos of empty glass walled office buildings to adopting the tone of a tech firm – agile, smart and data driven.

The new wordmark is a simple and classically crafted serif, providing reassurance while also complementing the typographic choices we made in using DM Serif and DM Sans by Colophon. 
Smart investments with conscience

Smart investments with conscience
