Youtube Video Intros
My objective for this project was to learn to create video intros for Youtubers. These intros could be used for an everyday use or switched out for a seasonal purpose. 

The first type of video into that I designed was geared towards a DIY Youtuber. They could ad a video side in front of the clip to make it more personalized. I wanted to show that they used a variety of tools to get to their end result.  

The second type of intro series that I made are for Vlogmas. Some youtubers content is a daily video blog call vlogging. During the christmas season some Youtubers participate in the tradition to Vlogmas which is created a new video every day for the month of December until Christmas. 

A big part of this tradition is to have your own customized into that is Christmas themed to help the fans get into the Christmas spirit. 
DIY Video Intro
Station Wagon Vlogmas Intro
Christmas Calendar Vlogmas Intro
Christmas Bow Vlogmas Intro
The challenges I encountered in this project was my lack of knowledge in Adobe after effects. The way that I overcame this challenge was through watching and looking up tutorials. Another way that I overcame this was by playing around in the platform learning more about the inside out of its workings.  
The first step of my process was to brainstorm the design trends. The next step I took was to brainstorm what piece I wanted to animate. I then created my designs on illustrator. The next step I took was to organize each moving part into a different layer.  Lastly I imported my designs into illustrator and animated all of the parts I wanted moving. 
I accumulated a lot of learnings from this project.  I learned organization within design. I originally thought that this didn't exist but once I started to execute my project more I learned this is was necessary for a professional result. It is important to keep back ups of everything properly labeled and in the correct folder. It is also important to keep your layers in illustrator properly labeled. If you have all you files in one layer than once you transfer your file to after effects it is almost unusable. This also benefits me by being able to work quicker than not being organized. 

The next process that I learned was coloring. When creating a design it is important to have colors that complement one another. Another thing that I learned about color was the emotions it gives to the viewer. You have to know who your target audience is in order to properly execute your design. 

Overall I was able to take my learnings and create a design that was well thought out to the niche target audience of Youtubers and fit in with the current trends. 
Video Intros

Video Intros
