Belen LaGrange's profileBelen LaGrange's profile


Bottleship is a 2D game modeled after the retro arcade game "Asteroid." The objective of the game is to shoot any oncoming asteroids until the player is destroyed by contact with an asteroid. The player is controlled using the direction keys. Up to move forward and left and right to spin around. Use the spacebar to shoot. The game was uploaded to Unity Play and is currently available to be played on any computer browser. 
The game was developed in Unity using the Unity Playground tutorial and package as a base. The sprites were given transparent backgrounds using Adobe Photoshop. 
The music for the title screen and main game scene were creating in a freemium digital audio workstation (DAW) for browsers named Soundtrap. I used sound effects from the Adobe Audition sound effects library for the explosion and shooting sounds. 
The base for my asteroids came from river rocks that I had collected a few days before. Unfortunately I decided to exclude the third rock because it did not suit the asteroid "look" that I was aiming for. The rocks were photoshopped to have a transparent background and then place into Unity as is. The color of the asteroids were adjusted in Unity. 
The inspiration for my game came from the words "Bottle Rocket." I happened to have a bottle of Shirakiku Ramune that I had purchase the day before on my desk that I thought would be perfect for the base for my ship. I thought this especially because of the marble that comes with the drink (as a stopper) seemed like a perfect paired projectile. To create the ship I taped some wings that I cut out from a colored paper notepad. In order to have a more clear marble I decided to create one in photoshop and use that as my projectile sprite. Also, the fire for the ship was created using a particle system and a texture sheet for the fire animation. 
The movement functions using the push and rotate scripts that come with Unity playground. 
Upon the destruction of the asteroids or player an explosion occurs. The explosion is made up of three separate particle systems. One for the main explosion. One for volume and smoke. Lastly, one for streaks of flying on fire bits. Below is what they all look like together. 
The game will run for as long as the player is alive. The player can go beyond the boundaries of the camera but there are invisible walls to stop the player from going infinitely. 
Thank you!

