Lucy Norton's profile

Svankmajer's Cinema Event

Design and curation of an immersive cinema screening event showing Jan Svankmajer's 'Alice'. Taking inspiration from existing cinema events such as Secret Cinema, this event involves the idea of combining theatre, film and event to take audiences into the film. 
Project includes designs of event space, models of different rooms, collages to represent set dressing themes, google sketchup model of the design space as a whole and a test viewing platform. 
1:25 Scale model of first 'reception' room of the cinema event space
White card 1:50 scale model of first 'reception' room
Photoshop Collage to represent design of the cinema screeing room 
Collage to represtent theming of the first 'reception' room of cinema event
Google Sketch-up design of full event space
Ariel view of space
Test viewing platform used in presentation
Svankmajer's Cinema Event

Svankmajer's Cinema Event

Design and curation of an immersive cinema screening event showing Jan Svankmajer's 'Alice'


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