Bruno Rodrigues Martins's profile (multi-channel video installation)

this work is created after an application to a public arts contest called "laboratórios de verão" hosted by gnration.
sound design made by sérgio alves/alcrude and gonçalo carneiro. was an a.v multichannel installation made with a basis on the book "Dobra" from portuguese poet Adília Lopes.
We used the room itself as the surface of the projection.
Philippe Leroux and Juliana Campos, gave body to this misterious of way of felling that you get reading the words from Adília.
We took the book and we deconstructed it, creating a dialogue between the words of the poet itself. (multi-channel video installation)
Published: (multi-channel video installation)

Versão digital do vídeo criado para a instalação albergada no projeto laboratórios de verão detido pelo gnration. Sinopse: Uma instalação Read More
