Eric Wong's profile

Business Logo Drafts

Business Icon Drafts
Here are the 2 business icons that I have made for my projects related to both making a Restaurant Menu and the Green Space travel company Booklet Guide. Both of these icons come in 3 sets: one with Color, one in completely Black, and one in fully white in a black square background. 
Zankai Patriots Restaurant Logo
Info: This company logo is for an American-Japanese fusion restaurant that is simply refer to as "Zankai Patriots." The main components of this logo is the country flag that is the fusion of both the American and Japanese Flags. The colors of this flag are the reverse version of the American flag with 4 red square corners containing 25 stars and a red center that has 5 sakura petals in the formation of a 5-pointed star. 
Polaris Travel Company Logo
Info: This company logo is for the Green Space travel guide company that is simply referred to as "POLARIS." The design of this logo is that it has a tree with a compass in the the tree head and the branches have leaves in the shape of directional arrows. There are two trees that have 2 of the Cardinal direction initials on the top and bottom of said trees. This design invokes the idea of the polarity poles being involved in the Cardinal Direction system, making the pun in the Polaris name and the fact that this is about a travel guide booklet.
Business Logo Drafts

Business Logo Drafts
