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20 Best Call To Action Examples

20 Best Call To Action Examples
You might have come across a lot of call to actions, and you would also have noticed the most common ones are “Subscribe” “Sign Up” “Buy Now”, “Get 30% Discount”, etc.

One of the most powerful skills that any marketer can have is knowing how to build a well-written and beautifully placed call to action.

But what is the exact meaning of Call to action (CTA) and what are the best examples of it?

Let's find out…

What is CTA? (Call to Action)

Call to actions are essential because they support your audience in taking action on a marketing campaign.

Moreover, the aim of every marketing strategy is to lead the audience on the path of the customer so that they make a purchase eventually.

However, since there are many techniques you can use to direct the audience in their path because each marketing strategy can have a different action for the audience to carry out.

Check out the following examples of CTAs:


Netflix’s call to action is a “Watch anywhere. Cancel anytime."

You can also note that the red color used in the main and secondary CTAs matches the color of the Netflix logo.


"Remember Everything." It is easily understandable for visitors when they land on this page.

Evernote's design is super easy to see the quick benefits of using the app and how to actually sign up to use it.


"Make money driving your car." 

Uber is searching for two very different kinds of individuals to sign up on its website: riders and drivers. The above one distinguishes the buyer persona and targets the drivers.


“Go Premium”, and “Play Free”.

This is to draw clients who want to pay for a premium account, though it is very much secondary to the primary CTA for users to sign up for free.


Want to sign up for Pinterest? There will be two options for you: sign up via Facebook or via email, using the bold colors red and blue.


One of the video advertisements from Airbnb asks viewers the question, "Do you want to make extra money," and then offers homeowners a way to do just that. This sentence alerts the viewers and triggers them to check out the app.


Dollar shave club has a well-conceived invitation to action that appeals to its target audience. Their message is clear: Men can look, feel, and smell their best.


“Try Dropbox Business free”. Their call-to-action button really stands out because it is what people prefer to click on.


“Trello lets you work more collaboratively and get more done”. With this message, a green button is placed to sign up which catches the viewers’ attention at once.


“Sell Your Crafts on FB!” and “Sell online, in-store, and on Facebook…” All of these are extremely brief call to actions.


The CTA says, "Continue." This term's simplicity gives hope that the signing process is quick and casual.


There are two similarly-sized CTAs on the page to provide certain individuals with a simple way to buy: "Get Started" and "Give a Gift."


Often, the shorter the declaration, the clearer it is. "Find Better" by Monster is an outstanding example.


Along with the big bold text on the homepage that says about the service that Voicenation offers, a simple call to action saying ‘See plans and pricing’ increases the click-through rate. It doesn’t demand any kind of commitment and only invites to check out the pricing.


“Login to join prime” - this straightforward message below a brief description of the service gives users an idea of what is expected from them.


“Compare Features” - With this CTA, Nintendo addresses one of their most famous questions since they realize that many visitors are still doing their homework before buying a product.


“Send me the coupons” and “I'm not interested”. 

Their CTA describes what "Yes" and "No" really mean, and I really appreciate that, as I've seen on other websites, they didn't use guilt-tripping terminology like "No Thanks: I hate nature.”


“Let's start a new project together” 

This offers people looking for a talented partner a clue that they are a particularly excellent team to work with.


We hope that the above examples have given you an idea of how to crat out the perfect CTA for your business. In order to increase your click-through rates, carry out A/B tests frequently, especially while running Facebook ads or LinkedIn ads. So go ahead and get creative!
20 Best Call To Action Examples

20 Best Call To Action Examples


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