The reason why I would like to do this project because of the graphic illustration of physical lights which is reflected to the 3-dimensional objects (glass plant and acrylic painting model). In terms of this project, I will introduce the main idea of a spirit of handcraft by using a graphic illustration.
In details, I would like to prove some specific ideas of environment definition. To be more specific, I would like to identify a different view of the environment which can be called as microcosmic. The term of microcosmic can be explained as the detailed substances in the current environment that will contain the lights and physical materials. I decide to do 2 models in this project. 

The Menta glass plants which can be symbolised as the idea of environmental protection. In my own views, I think the glass can be seen as a symbol of purity and emotional. Also, it can be noticed as the weak substances which might be ruined in this industrialized and logical world which is organised by the three geometrical main colours, yellow, red and blue.The shadow of glass plant can be seen as a unique connection such as environmental problem between this kind of undone world and nature subject. It is similar to say that the model of water drops can be also seen as the emotional subject which is interacted into the logical world (yellow, red, and blue).
As for the model of water drops on acrylic board, it is interesting to say that this photograph might be contributed into the time-based and spatial photography because I have inspired in a raining day. I found that the water drops on ground which is rarely found in this world. I would like to enlarge the micro objects that most of people rarely notice this kind of micro substances in contemporary period.

Dimensions: 4608 x 2592 Device model: Olympus EM1 Focal length: 17mm
F number: f/2.8
ISO 300
Exposure time: 1/40
Worlds Undone

Worlds Undone
