Sarie Louw's profileNele Schäfer's profile

Information Design: Design. Dialectics. Disability

Information Design I Wayfinding I Instructional Design: Design. Dialectics. Disability.
IOW 400.1
Description of Project:
In this project, we were required to design a mobile/cellphone application that is geared towards helping someone who has a disability. Through conducting interviews with a person with a disability and finding insights and information into this person's daily lives, experience of living with their disability and how it affected them and people around them. With the information and insights, we had to come up with an idea for an app that could improve this person’s life.
In this project, we worked in pairs. We were introduced to a person who has an above the knee amputation. We conducted an interview with her to get a better understanding and insights about why she underwent this amputation, her daily life, her experience of living with her disability and how it affected her and people around her. During the working process what stood out to me was how the insights from the interview had helped us stay on track and stay aware of how sensitive the topic is we are basing the application on. Speaking with someone that has a disability on which we are to base our app was very informative and helpful, to pinpoint specific problems on which to base an app that will act as a solution.
Technical specifications:
The application prototype is to be designed with the dimensions 414px by 736px (Standard iPhone 7/8).

Typography: We use the Lato typeface, as the typeface rounded style and large counters ensure that the app is aesthetically friendly and inviting. Using Lato in combination with Roboto is also easily legible on a digital platform such as a smartphone application. 

Colour palette: The colour palette serves as an extra layer of navigation as colours can be associated with different functions of the app.
2) Final application prototype
3) Reflection documentation
Group collaboration 
We are not including a second project IOW 400.9 page to show/highlight each group member’s contributions, as both group members worked together on each element of the project, including: research, interviews, concept, application styleguide, wireframes, process work, prototyping the app solution and presentation.

The journey

Creating an app, which centers around lower limb amputation
Our meeting with our interviewee was very helpful in providing us with incredible insights into the lifestyle of an above knee amputee and the difficulties she encounters in day to day activities.

The things that stood out the most:
Not being informed and aware of what amputation entails and the drastic lifestyle changes for both the amputee and their family members and friends. The importance of communication, understanding, acceptance and support between everyone involved.

Our application solution
An application that provides factual information provided by app registered professionals, on everything related to lower limb amputation. It caters to future, recent and current lower limb amputees, as well as their family members and friends. By creating an account, users can access this information, read stories of other lower limb amputees, share their own and ask for advice, via an in-app mail system, from app-registered support members and professionals in the field.
There to guide you
We decided to name our informative application ‘Guide’, as it guides and supplies the user with advice on lower limb amputation. We hope that through Guide, people become more informed and aware of the diverse and deeply emotional experiences an amputee goes through on a day to day basis. 
Logo icon construction
Process work
The Organo typeface was used as an inspiration for the logo and logo icon design. 
Colour Palette
As Guide is a predominantly information and text-based application, its colour palette needed to be harmonious and friendly to make the interface more interactive, but also sensitive in regards to both the factual and emotional content.

Colours are used to represent the different categories that the app provides and interface elements. This ensures that the users can easily navigate the app and identify where they are at all time.

Colour use with Guide logo
Typography application
The typefaces were chosen to accentuate the friendly and clean logo design and are both easily legible digitally.
Text hierarchy

Buttons and Iconography
The button and icon style of Guide is simple and easy to understand, as they effectively communicate the core idea and intent of the various information categories found in the application in a recognizable and user-friendly way. 
Further app design

Library section 
Stories section
Process work
User journey 
The following User journey shows a Registered user using the Guide application. The user starts by logging into the app, as the Amputee is considering prosthetics, they have been able to email a specialist for more information. The user replies to the specialists' message and updates her profile information. 
Prototype Video
Information Design: Design. Dialectics. Disability

Information Design: Design. Dialectics. Disability
