«Night Quietude» 
Canvas, acrylic, aerosole
100x100 cm
In this artwork, I set myself the task of maintaining a balance of abstractness, expressiveness and peace. I wrote the letter Q in the blades of the pink lotus, consciously limited the use of auxiliary decorative elements, and immerse everything in the ringing black silence.

«Composition 10.1» 
Canvas, acrylic, aerosole
140x120 cm
The history of this work is rather sad. The canvas was damaged during transportation. It was small in size, but I did not want to exhibit this work anymore. Thus, it was taken by my friend in his private collection. He said he did not consider it a problem, but rather a highlight.

Canvas, acrylic, aerosole
130x90 cm
In my works I like to hide something, leave it unpublished, a little hidden from a direct and cursory glance. Therefore, in the center of a slightly open flower lurks, waiting to be discovered the letter Y. She does not carry in this composition any role, except for neatly inscribed, modest letter. 

«Movement Conversely» 
Canvas, acrylic, aerosole
ø 120 cm
The symmetry of the flower is shown here. The beauty of self-similarity of natural origin. In the center of the composition I placed the letter C, which symbolizes the Cyclic. 

Canvas, acrylic, aerosole
130x90 cm
In this artwork, I investigated the general beginning of the letter D. The lines forming the letter come from the same point, as well as the elements of the background and foreground.

Canvas, acrylic, aerosole
The work "Paris" was written by me while searching for new forms and moving away from classical calligraphy towards a more expressive and abstract one. The title highlights the mood of the work, it is excited, festive, like the night Paris. The letter P, emerging from the center of the flower, is the basis of the composition, around it are built all the other elements of the work.

«Movement Conversely» 
Canvas, acrylic, aerosole
ø 120 cm
A movement that comes from the center of the work and inertia loses its properties at the edges of the canvas. While working on this canvas, I studied how to reflect the moment of movement and how to preserve its image in the moment.
Thank you for watching.


Artworks 2019

Artworks 2019
