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The Handmaid's Tale Illustrated Quote

"Nolite te bastardes carborundorum."
Kassandra Morrow
TWC 411
July 2020

The Handmaid's Tale Quote Illustration

The first layout above was submitted for Part 1 of this Principles of Visual Communication project, in which the instructions were to illustrate a quote by our favorite author using two images hand-drawn with the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. The second layout was for Part 2 of the project, in which the instructions were to expand the quote to cover two pages of a magazine.

For this project, I invented a magazine called Authoress which is a magazine dedicated to women in literature. A magazine such as this would certainly feature a story on Margaret Atwood, considered one of the greatest female writers of our time.

The Pen Tool and the Custom Gradient Tool were used to create the portrait of Elisabeth Moss (the actress who stars in the television adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale).
The Handmaid's Tale Illustrated Quote

The Handmaid's Tale Illustrated Quote
