Vitali Yanusheuski's profile

BSUIR timetable redesign

One day my attention was drawn by timetable of classes in Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. What I had was a printed version of MS Excel document which was downloaded from the site of the faculty:​​​​​​​
The point was that students of BSUIR had different timetable for every week of four-weeks cycle. So to find what classes you had during the week you needed to find related week number in Weeks column first. And that was why times in Time column repeated – same hours, different weeks. Besides, all students in that branch were divided into two groups. If there were numbers in Groups column it meant that groups studied separately. 

First of all I changed especially odd moments: repeating time and university buildings combined with rooms numbers:
Then the main part was. I combined three columns in one clear structure
So the timetable became clean and clear
Result: BSUIR students admitted that new schedule version was much more usable. I believe I helped them.

BSUIR timetable redesign


BSUIR timetable redesign

Personal project to help students of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
