Kimberly Gloria Choi's profile

The Big Sleep | Penguin Design Award

The Big Sleep | Pengiun Design Award 2012
Kimberly Gloria Choi
Book Overview
The story is an enormously intricate one, and it really seems to have no possible resolution until the final pages. The Big Sleep centers around the rich Sternwood family. General Sternwood is a wealthy, elderly man who hires Philip Marlowe (a private detective) to help him with a little difficulty. 

Carmen (one of the general's two daughters), is mixed up with a seedy low-life by the name of Geiger, who runs an illegal pornography racket out of a bookstore. Then, when Marlowe follows Geiger, he witnesses a murder. Marlowe bursts in moments after the moment, and discovers Carmen--naked, drugged, and lying by the body.

To save the Sternwoods from embarrassment, Marlowe evades the police and takes Carmen home. This act of chivalry earns him the respect of Carmen's sister, Viven, a cool blond--willing to do anything to keep Carmen out of trouble. The plot is further complicated, because Geiger's murderer also has taken pictures of Carmen; and Marlowe must retrieve them.
Sternwood's chauffeur is also missing, and may well have something to do with the plot.
As in all great detective fiction, everyone involved in the story has an "angle," and Marlowe is buffeted between the various factions (along with nearly being killed by a love-sick mob boss). In the final pages, Marlowe manages to do what's right (although bending the law a little bit), and manages to come out of the adventure with only a couple of broken ribs.
Sourse from " Classiclit
Sketch | Development (Scan)
Concept Development Design
Idea concept 
Story is struggling between a mistery investigation, but like all dictative stories. Man always involve with sophisticate woman. And beauty brings disaster too. My idea is to create scene that emerge the main charater of their vaguely relationship. Using negative positive effect to create the connection. Immerse in it. The Gun symbolic Pilip Marlowe and the woman - Viven
Final design
Followed by the reference design
• I personally did read the book and i admire the writing from Chandler. It sense of humour but elegant lines.
The narrative of the story was clean but addictive. You will definetly wanted to watch the movie too. It kept most of the scenario from original. Best recommanded.
Thank your for appreciation
The Big Sleep | Penguin Design Award


The Big Sleep | Penguin Design Award

Project for the Penguin book cover design competition.
