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Save Our Stages Ad Campaign

Save Our Stages Ad Campaign
“Save Our Stages” Campaign by The National Independent Venue Association (NIVA)

Target Audience
The target audience are individuals who enjoy attending live music events. They could range in age from 18-55. They might also have an interest in politics and a desire to further a cause.

Big Picture
A portion of the population has growing concerns surrounding the survival of music venues and local theaters around the country. If these businesses do not receive some form of monetary assistance to ensure they can continue covering their overhead costs, several venues may be forced to close permanently.

The Save Our Stages campaign is meant to raise awareness of the legislature being proposed in Congress, and to encourage live music lovers to reach out to local government and gain their support. They can also purchase merchandise to support the efforts of this campaign.

Reasons to Believe
The National Independent Venue Association (NIVA) and Save Our Stages…
is important because

-venues were the first to close and will be the last to open.venues are 100% shut down for an indefinite period of time.venues have zero revenue.most venues are small businesses who are in danger. 

-is in support of relief through tax credits for venues.

-is in support of continued unemployment insurance benefits for employees of shuttered businesses, including contract workers and artists who otherwise do not have access to relief.

-is in support of the Restart Act (S. 3814) and Save Our Stages Act (S. 4258)…funding for 6 months of payroll, benefit, fixed operating expenses, PPE, accounts payable, and other ordinary and necessary business expenses
----loan amounts of either 45% of gross revenue from 2019 or $12 million (whichever is less).
----partial loan forgiveness based on losses in revenue, a seven-year loan term, and no principal payments for the first 2 years.
----extending the covered period for loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) from 8 weeks to 16 weeks.

is led by…Restart Act (S.3814)– Senator Todd Young (R-IN) and Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO). House Representative Michael Kelly and Jared Golden.

Save Our Stages Act (S. 4258)- Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) and Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). House Representatives Peter Welch (D-VT) and Roger Williams (R-TX).


Design Rationale
The Save Our Stages Campaign utilizes images of abandoned theaters to appeal on an emotional level to relevant viewers. The advertisements depict what could happen if the public chooses not to act. The theaters featured have debris scattered everywhere, holes in the ceiling, and one shows vines that have begun to take over the building. These images have a gloomy blue and green shade to further reinforce a negative connotation. The message of the ads conveys an urgency that is extremely present in the campaign efforts. The typography is bold to echo the importance of the message as well. Overall, this advertising campaign presents the dystopian future that could result from failing to support local music venues during these unprecedented times.

Thank you for reading.
Save Our Stages Ad Campaign


Save Our Stages Ad Campaign
